MyProtein are a Pan European multi-brand online retailer in the health & nutrition industry, who were seeking to drive traffic to their bespoke app & increase online sales through the reactivation of their lapsed customers.
The Challenge
With MyProtein finding it increasingly difficult to reach existing customers through email & targeted ads, they sought a novel means of re-engaging with their extensive bank of lapsed customers. Several factors were leading to an increased cost-per-acquisition (CPA) & reduced Return on Ad Spend for their digital channels, including:
⚫ GDPR Compliance: Customer who “opt-out” can no longer be communicated with by digital
⚫ Email Fatigue: 76% of consumers claim they receive too many emails
⚫ Data Mistrust: Consumers are wary of the way retailers are targeting them online.
Whilst the product purchase & app download would still need to be made on a digital platform, they required a more direct, reliable means of marketing to direct the customer there.
“We reached out to MHI to help develop a strategy to reactivate our opted-out customers. As a result of GDPR, we see an increasing amount of our newly acquired customers opt-out, meaning it was more difficult than ever to retain them.”
Marketing Manager – MyProtein
The Solution
MHI identified that direct mail—a simple postcard in this case—mitigated customer’s mistrust of email, digital advertisements & the client’s GDPR challenges. Therefore, using our industry-leading mailing expertise we created an A6 postcard campaign for the client, sent out to over 200,000 addresses, in five European countries.
Both the digital print, finishing & mailing took place in-house, utilizing our award-winning carrier network to provide an optimised service for the client, based on cost & service. MHI’s data processing capabilities also ensured the client’s address data was in the best form to improve deliverability & Return on Ad Spend.
All that was required from the client was to:
⚫ Collate address data of “opted-out” customers
⚫ Create artwork with QR & coupon code
…and let MHI do the rest.

The Result
MyProtein saw close to a 50% increase in downloads of their app & coupon usage where the value of sales far outweighed the cost of the mailing, illustrating the effectiveness of the campaign in reactivating their lapsed customers.
The client was updated throughout the whole process, providing them with automated transit reports based on country & delivery updates, such as when the mail landed in the country of destination.
They also committed to a further 14 countries, where they had a considerable volume of lapsed customers, with the future based around integrating their database with MHI, to automate direct mail when an existing customer becomes “lapsed”.
“We developed a global direct mail plan that saw us direct mail across Europe and, thanks to the collaboration with MHI, saw a 3x uplift in customers returning as a result of receiving direct mail. Furthermore, the cost to reactivate these people through direct mail was significantly more cost-effective than utilising our other paid channels.
A final piece was to utilise MHI expertise to develop the creative and marketing of the direct mail. Conscious these customers were opted-out of email, we made the decision to utilise QR codes to drive traffic to download our App. On the day the direct mail landed through customer’s doors, we saw a +46% uplift in downloads.”
Marketing Manager – MyProtein